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  • Reception/Reviews 312
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Subcategory : Reception/Reviews

312 results

Spingarn Medal

  • Date: June 30, 1928
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Gazette

The Fourteenth Spingarn Medal

  • Date: August 1928
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Crisis

Lewis-Addams Urge 'Jim-Crow Y.'

  • Date: November 17, 1928
  • Creator(s): Smith, Harry C.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Gazette

Du Bose Heyward's "Mamba's Daughter's" and Republication of Chesnutt's "The Conjure Woman" Makes This "Negro Literature Week"

  • Date: February 2, 1929
  • Creator(s): Davis, Elrick B.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Cleveland Press

A Chesnutt Reprint

  • Date: February 16, 1929
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Public Ledger

[Review of The Conjure Woman]

  • Date: April 1929
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Crisis

[Review of The Conjure Woman]

  • Date: May, 1929
  • Creator(s): J. B. H.Hubbell, Jay B.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: American Literature

The Negro as Writer

  • Date: February 1930
  • Creator(s): Chamberlain, John
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Bookman

C. W. Chesnutt, Negro Author, Dies

  • Date: November 16, 1932
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The New York Times

[Obituary, Charles W. Chesnutt]

  • Date: November 26, 1932
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Publishers Weekly

In Memorium: Charles W. Chesnutt

  • Date: December 1932
  • Creator(s): Brown, Sterling A.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life

[Obituary, Charles Waddell Chesnutt]

  • Date: January 1933
  • Creator(s): Du Bois, W. E. B.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Crisis