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  • Reception 312
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  • Reception/Reviews 312
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Category : Reception
Subcategory : Reception/Reviews

312 results

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: January 1, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Topeka State Journal

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: December 17, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Daily Register

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: August 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Methodist Magazine and Review

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: December 10, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Bulletin

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: February 3, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Philadelphia Press

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: February 3, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Brooklyn Daily Times

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: December 13, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Portland Daily Advertiser

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: February 2,1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Cleveland World

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: January 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Literary Era

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: November 17, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Colored American

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: February 1900
  • Creator(s): A. M. B.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Southern Workman

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: December 24, 1899
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Cleveland Leader

[Review of The Wife of His Youth]

  • Date: November 14, 1899
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Evening Express

An Aboriginal Author

  • Date: August 23, 1899
  • Creator(s): Bouve, Pauline Carrington
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Boston Evening Transcript

Achievements of the Negro Race

  • Date: September 29, 1905
  • Creator(s): Miller, Kelly
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Voice of the Negro

American Biographies for Busy Men

  • Date: December 17, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Los Angeles Times

Among the Superstitious

  • Date: August 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Current Literature

Another Beacon Biography

  • Date: December 25, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Chicago Chronicle

Answers Thomas Dixon

  • Date: October 28, 1905
  • Creator(s): Seibel, George
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Pittsburgh Gazette

The Author of "The Conjure Woman," Charles W. Chesnutt

  • Date: July 1899
  • Creator(s): Shipman, Carolyn
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Critic

Author Wins Spingarn Medal

  • Date: June 14, 1928
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The New York Times

Biography in miniature

  • Date: February 1, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Dial

Books of all Sorts and Kinds now Flood the Literary Mart

  • Date: November 19, 1905
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Los Angeles Herald

A Bundle of New Novels

  • Date: November 17, 1901
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Providence Daily Journal

C. W. Chesnutt, Negro Author, Dies

  • Date: November 16, 1932
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The New York Times

Charles W. Chesnutt's Books

  • Date: February 1, 1902
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Appeal

Charles W. Chesnutt's Color Line Novel, "The House Behind the Cedars"

  • Date: October 31, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Boston Evening Transcript

Charles W. Chesnutt's Stories

  • Date: June 1900
  • Creator(s): Howells, William Dean
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Current Literature

Charles Waddell Chestnut (sic)

  • Date: 1919
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: National Cyclopedia of the Colored Race

A Chesnutt Reprint

  • Date: February 16, 1929
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Public Ledger

Chesnutt's Latest Story

  • Date: October 15, 1905
  • Creator(s): Daniels, John
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Alexander's Magazine

Chesnutt's Tales

  • Date: December 16, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Boston Evening Transcript

The Colonel's Dream

  • Date: December 1905
  • Creator(s): Daniels, John
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Alexander's Magazine

The Colonel's Dream

  • Date: March 1906
  • Creator(s): B. J. R.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Book News

The Colonel's Dream

  • Date: January 20, 1906
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Indianapolis News

The Colonel's Dream

  • Date: September 30, 1905
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The News Leader

The Colonel's Dream

  • Date: October 28, 1905
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Knoxville Sentinel

Conjure Woman Reviews

  • Date: April 15, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anon.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: New York Times

The Conjure Woman, a Book to be Read

  • Date: April 9, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Plain Dealer Sunday Magazine

Darkey Superstition

  • Date: May 16, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Rock Island Union

A Daughter of Sorrow

  • Date: January 21, 1901
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Argonaut

A Difficult Theme

  • Date: November 21, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Boston Journal

Dream Doesn't Come True

  • Date: September 9, 1905
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Globe and Commercial Advertiser

Du Bose Heyward's "Mamba's Daughter's" and Republication of Chesnutt's "The Conjure Woman" Makes This "Negro Literature Week"

  • Date: February 2, 1929
  • Creator(s): Davis, Elrick B.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Cleveland Press

An Exemplary Citizen

  • Date: August 1901
  • Creator(s): Howells, W. D.
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The North American Review

Fiction and Fact

  • Date: January 28, 1900
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Wilmington Messenger

Fittingly Bestowed

  • Date: June 15, 1928
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Plain Dealer

The Fourteenth Spingarn Medal

  • Date: August 1928
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Crisis

From the Negro Side

  • Date: November 3, 1901
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Illustrated Buffalo Express


  • Date: April 15, 1899
  • Creator(s): Anonymous
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Baltimore Sun