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Weston A. Price to Charles W. Chesnutt, 2 July 1931

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  WESTON A. PRICE. D. D. S., M. S. DENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES 8926 EUCLID AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO Mr. Chas. W. Chestnutt Idlewild, Lake County1 Michigan My dear Mr. Chestnutt:

We received your letter and also the denture,2 and have rushed the repair through. Unfortunately we did not have a master model of your case, and so could not relate the pieces in a fixed position. Dr. Middleton3 has very ingeniously done so in an adjustable position.

You may like this so well that you will wish to keep it that way. It would be a very simple matter for us to make a solid joint of the connection when you return.

Yours very sincerely, Weston A. Price Weston A. Price WAP:MAK

Correspondent: Weston Andrew Valleau Price (1870–1948) was Chesnutt's White dentist and his longtime neighbor at 9703 Lamont Avenue. Originally from Canada, Price received his dentistry degree from the University of Michigan and began to practice in Cleveland in 1893. He improved dentistry technology, favored tooth extraction over saving infected teeth, and conducted research in nutrition as a general factor in common diseases.

1. After discovering it in 1921, the Chesnutts spent every summer in Idlewild, in Lake County, MI, about 380 miles west of Cleveland. Idlewild was a popular lakeside resort for hundreds of Black families from the urban Midwest from the 1910s to the 1960s, when racism excluded them from many White resort towns. In the spring of 1924, Chesnutt purchased a plot of land, and had a lakeside vacation home built (14240 Lake Drive; completed in 1926). [back]

2. The two letters from Chesnutt to his dentist Dr. Price regarding his broken dentures have not been located. [back]

3. Earl D. Middleton (1894–1938) was a White Cleveland dentist, originally from Tennessee, with a degree from Western Reserve University, who worked as an associate in Dr. Price's dental practice and lived across the street from Chesnutt and Price at 7806 Lamont Ave. [back]