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William D. Vincent to Charles W. Chesnutt, 2 December 1922

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W. D. VINCENT PRESIDENT Mr. Chas W. Chesnutt, 1106 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, O. Dear Mr. Chesnutt:

Under separate cover I sent to you the book which you so kindly consented to autograph, and stamps are enclosed for its return.1

Yours truly, W. D. Vincent

Correspondent: William D. Vincent (1866–1935) was a White banker in Spokane, Washington, who was president of Old National Bank of Spokane (1920–1933). He was an amateur historian of the American Northwest and a collector of rare books and bookplates.

1. Chesnutt's collection of short stories, The Conjure Woman, was published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company in March 1899. [back]