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Charles W. Chesnutt to Robert F. Bingham, 22 November 1922

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  Robert F. Bingham, Esq., Treasurer Council of Sociology, Care Thompson, Hine and Flory, 1239 Engineers Building, City. Dear Sir:

I have your favor of November 21, advising me that my dues to the Council of Sociology1 for 1921–22 have not yet been paid, and I enclose herewith my check for same.

Very truly yours, CWC/FL

Correspondent: Robert Fry Bingham (1891–1947) was a White lawyer from Ohio specializing in real estate who began working for the prominent Cleveland law firm of Thompson, Hine and Flory shortly after he passed the bar in 1915. He was very active in civic service, including as member and (in 1922) treasurer of the Cleveland Council of Sociology.

1. The Cleveland Council of Sociology was founded in 1893 to host regular debates and lectures by local and national speakers, often on social problems of general interest. Initially designed for small groups and followed by a dinner at elite Cleveland hotels, the lectures were later opened to larger groups. Booker T. Washington was hosted by the Council in January 1905. Chesnutt became a member that year and gave a speech in 1906 ("The Age of Problems," Charles W. Chesnutt: Essays and Speeches, ed. Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., Robert C. Leitz, III, Jesse S. Crisler (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999): 238–251). He served as the Council's president in 1910 (see Pioneer 245). [back]