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The Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. to Charles W. Chesnutt, 23 October 1922

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  LONDON, 125 HIGH HOLBORN NEW YORK, 342 MADISON AVENUE The Encyclopaedia Britannica FOUNDED 1768 NEW YORK NV34388-16 Mr. Charles W. Chesnutt, 9719 Lamont Ave. N.E. Cleveland, Ohio Dear Sir:

We wish to acknowledge receipt of your order for the three New Volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica in the Cloth binding, with which you enclosed $28.00 the cash price, completing the purchase.1

Thanking you for the order which will be given our very best attention and assuring you that shipment will be made as rapidly as possible, we remain

Yours very truly THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA INC. [illegible]

Correspondent: The Encyclopaedia Britannica was the standard English-language general-knowledge encyclopaedia of the 19th and 20th centuries. Begun in 1768, it was published first out of Edinburgh, then out of London; as of 1901, it was printed in the United States as well. Beginning with the 29-volume 11th edition (1910–11), the Encyclopaedia Britannica had U.S. publishers and began to rely heavily on direct marketing and mail-order distribution. While there were two supplemental updates in the 1920s (12th and 13th editions), the next revision was the 14th edition (1929).

1. Chesnutt ordered the supplemental volumes 30, 31, and 32 that updated his 11th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1910–11) to make the 12th edition (1922), published under the general editorship of Hugh Chisholm (1866–1924) in the UK and Franklin Henry Hooper (1859–1922) in the US. [back]