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I enclose you herewith my check for $40.00, being assessment recently voted on two shares of the Chester Cliffs Company standing in my name;1 also check of Helen M. Chesnutt for $20.00, assessment on one share of said stock standing in her name.2
I have written to Mr.3 and Mrs. Donahey4 asking them to forward check to you for their assessment.5
Yours very truly,Correspondent: Albert Franklin (Frank) Counts (1881–1946), a White Cleveland lawyer with a 1906 law degree from Western Reserve University's law school, was a member and initially the secretary and treasurer of the Chester Cliffs Club when it was founded. In 1913, he married Eula (Eulalie) Gaskill Miller Counts (1869–1942), who was also a shareholder in the Club. In 1930 Counts was given an 18-month prison sentence for embezzlement in a fraudulent divorce case. Paroled in December of 1931, he joined his wife in rural Virginia, where they lived on a farm that was auctioned off after his death.-->