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Charles W. Chesnutt to Swan E. Micheaux, 10 October 1921

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  Micheaux Film Corporation,1 538 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. Gentlemen: Attention Mr. S. E. Micheaux.

I deposited October 1st your check of that date to cover your note for $100.00 and interest which was due September 15th, and as I have heard nothing to the contrary, I presume the check went through and was paid and I beg to thank you. I enclose you herewith the note with certificate of protest.2

I note what you say about my taking some of your gold notes. Since under my royalty contract with Houghton-Mifflin Company I have to pay them part of the money I get from you through these notes, and as I have some pressing obligations of my own to meet here, I am not in a position just now to take any part of the $500.00 in your gold notes, much as I might feel disposed to do so.

I will send forward in due course the note for $100.00 due October 15th and trust it will be promptly made.

I will be very glad at some time when you may wish it, to atempt to write you a story for a scenario.

Very truly yours,

Correspondent: Swan Emerson Micheaux (1896–1975) was Oscar Micheaux's younger brother and served as secretary, treasurer, and booking manager of the Micheaux Film Corporation from 1920 to 1927. He was suspected of financial mismanagement and forced to resign in 1928.

1. The Micheaux Film Corporation began in 1919 as the Micheaux Book and Film Company. Founded by Black novelist, film director, and film producer Oscar Micheaux (1884–1951), it was based in Chicago, with offices in New York City and Roanoke, Virginia, and became the most successful Black-owned film company of the 20th century. In the 1920s and 30s, Micheaux produced at least three dozen films featuring Black actors and themes he believed to be of particular interest to Black audiences, three of them based loosely on Chesnutt's work. In 1928, the company voluntarily filed for bankruptcy, reorganized, and survived until 1940. Most of the films are lost. [back]

2. Chesnutt came to an arrangement regarding the movie-rights contract for his novel The House Behind the Cedars with Micheaux Film Corporation, which produced a series of five $100.00 promissory ("cognovit") notes, each due on the 15th of the month (September to January). These were paid with delays and incurred additional interest and penalties: The September note on Oct. 1, the October note around Nov. 13, November's on Dec. 4, and December's not until May 1922. The last note was not paid at all. Chesnutt declined several offers of stocks or bonds in the company in trade for the notes, and passed 25% of each payment on to Houghton Mifflin Company. [back]