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Clara M. Henderson to Charles W. Chesnutt, 10 September 1921

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  Mr. Chestnutt,

We have three checks here payable the 15th of this month. I am sending you one that is payable and will send you Balance 1000 this Thursday.1

It is to bad this has happened so but will see that next month will be ddifferent.

Mrs Henderson 1269 Lakeview Rd.2 Rec'd PO order 1000

Sept 12/21

Correspondent: Clara M. (Lloyd) Henderson (1874–1966) was a White woman from the Canton, Ohio, area, widowed by 1904, who along with her daughter Marie Henderson (1895–1985) rented the apartment at 1269 Lakeview Rd. from Chesnutt from 1921 until at least 1931; her son Frederick F. Henderson (1893–1966) also seems to have lived with them, but is not mentioned in the correspondence.

1. The surviving correspondence with Clara and Marie Henderson from 1921 to 1930 exclusively concerns the collection of their rent for 1269 Lakeview Road. [back]

2. By 1921, Chesnutt owned a building at 1267–1269 Lakeview Road in Cleveland, Ohio, and rented out two separate units, 1267 and 1269, to different lodgers. From 1921 to at least 1931, the Hendersons lived at 1269. By 1930, Robert A. Dill lived at 1267. The structure no longer exists. [back]