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Your tax receipt was received in the morning mail, so evidently the amount has been credited on the treasurer's books, and you won't need to worry for a few months until you get another bill. Too bad about the City Ice and Patterson-Sargent reductions. I had n't seen it in the financial column. Have 35 shares of P.-S. myself, and will feel the loss.1
Helen is keeping track of your balance.2 Told her it would take every penny you could scrape together between now and October 1st to pay your interest, and that was counting the full amount of your two dividends.
Miss Skarabotta3 will be back at the office tomorrow, and I am letting Miss Schultz go today.4 Could n't get along with only two of us in the office. One day we have no jobs, and the next day we have two little ones at the same time. Last week I went up to take a deposition for Mr. Cull,5 and sent Miss Kormos6 to take a little one for Mr. John Duncan of SS&D, who finally came to life again.7 Thought I'd better take Mr. Cull's, he being a bit fussy about new people working for him. I got 20 pages, and Miss Kormos got 65 on her job.
We did get some wonderful bargains on the office furniture, but I doubt if the building would have sold it to any outsider—not for the prices they gave us, at any rate. So Dorothy does n't need to worry about what she missed.8 She might have shopped around, however, and bought some good second-hand stuff at reasonble prices. We could n't afford to buy what we did, but I feel sure we will never be able to buy at such prices again—not in the near future, at any rate—and you must admit your things were just about worn out. They came this morning to move themit out of the office for Miss Kormos, and the old desk sure did creak and groan. We were sure it would fall to pieces before they got it out, but it did n't. Like its owner, it has lots of "staying" qualities.
Too bad the fishing is n't better. Hope you make one or two more good catches before you return home. The weather has been delightful the past two weeks, and if it continues you won't mind the change from Michigan to Ohio.
You said to give your regards to any inquiring friends. Well, your old chum Mr. David Gibson stopped in the other day to see you.9 Said he was n't busy and came in to have a little visit. Stayed about a half hour, and wanted one of your photographs. Thought they were splendid. We did n't give him one. Thought you could do it if you want to some time. Said he's badly bent himself, but not broke. Did n't know you were in Michigan.10 Sent his regards to you and the family, and he hopes you find the fishing good.
Up at BHIS's office the other day,11 Mr. Kellogg12 stopped to say he was reading the life of Wm Dean Howells, and saw a complimentary reference to you in it.13 Told him you knew about it, and also told himabout the article Mr. Howells wrote about you in the Atlantic.14 Mr. K also sent you his regards, and he says when he gets older he's going to do just what you are doing—fish and read, and try to take life easy.
We will just about make the office expenses this month, if the next ten days are as good as the last twenty. Things are certainly dull.
We'll be glad to see you again. Meantime, continue to enjoy yourself as much as you can. Regards to Johnnie15 and all the folks, from all of us.
Sincerely, H. M.The girls just rec'd your cards. They think you must be doing a lot of traveling around. Want me to thank you for them.
Correspondent: Helen C. Moore (1881–1963) was a White shorthand reporter who began working with Chesnutt in 1918. Moore graduated from Cleveland Law College in 1925, earned her Bachelor of Laws from Baldwin-Wallace, and later, at the age of 58, obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Ohio State University. During the last years of Chesnutt's life, she managed their firm, Chesnutt & Moore, and upon his death in 1932, she founded her own firm, Helen Moore & Associates ("Memorial Resolutions," Journal of the Cleveland Bar Association 35 [1964]: 81–100). Most of their surviving correspondence consists of summer updates during periods when either she or Chesnutt were away from the office on their summer vacations.