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position of added text (if not added inline) | [right margin] text added in right margin; [above line] text added above the line |
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Please forgive me for not answering your letter sooner but I have moved downtown and my [] mail was not forwarded promptly.
My chum mailed four books to you for your signature—2 of mine and 2 of his. I will send some others later. Instead of sending them to the return address on the package please express them to me C.O.D. to the Hotel Bristol at the above address. There is no
one at home during the day at the 111th St., address.
I am on the lookout for first editions of your books for you and when I find them and I shall be glad to get them and send them to you.
I want to write you at greater length soon—I am hurrying this note away so you will know where to send the books.
Sincerely, Harry Warwick Sent by ExpressCorrespondent: Harry J. Warwick (life dates unknown) was a self-professed collector of books by Black authors who approached Chesnutt to get books autographed. He and a friend, Floyd Miller, who has not been further identified, apparently collected books together. It is not known whether their books were eventually donated to an HBCU, as Warwick's first letter to Chesnutt suggested they would be.