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I am in receipt of your favor of September 29th2 enclosing me your check dated October 1st for $100.58, in payment of your note due September 15th for $100.00 with interest to October 1st.3
Your failure to meet the note led to its being protested, for which I paid a protest fee of $2.31, which you ought to take care of. I will deposit the check on October 1st, and hope it will be taken care of.
The notes which you gave me were payable at the Union Trust Company, Cleveland.4 They should have been made payable at your bank in Chicago, and with your permission I will strike out of the notes "The Union Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio," and insert the name of your bank in Chicago, at which they can be presented for payment.
I shall appreciate it very much if you will try to take care of these notes as they fall due, so that I shall not be annoyed with the trouble and expense due to their having been protested for non-payment.
I visited the theatre on Central Avenue5 where your picture "The Gunsaulus Case" was shown,6 and enjoyed it very much. The picture was well made, and gives me reason to feel confident that the "House Behind the Cedars" will not suffer at your hands.7
Sincerely yours, CWC/FLCorrespondent: Swan Emerson Micheaux (1896–1975) was Oscar Micheaux's younger brother and served as secretary, treasurer, and booking manager of the Micheaux Film Corporation from 1920 to 1927. He was suspected of financial mismanagement and forced to resign in 1928.