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Charles W. Chesnutt to Laurens Maynard (on Behalf of Small, Maynard & Co.), 26 December 1900

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  64 Brenton St., Cleveland, O. Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co., Mr. Lawrence Maynard, Boston, Mass. My dear Mr. Maynard,—

I am in receipt this morning of statement of account between us for royalties on the "Frederick Douglass,"1 with accompanying check for $2207, for which please accept my thanks. It comes in very appropriately toward repairing the ravages of the Christmas raid.

By some one's oversight the wrong letter was evidently included enclosed, and I return it to you herewith.

Repeating my thanks, for the remittance and with the hope that your house may share in the prevailing prosperity, I remain

Yours cordially, Chas. W. Chesnutt.

Correspondent: Laurens Maynard (1866–1917) was the partner of Herbert Small (1869–1903) in Small, Maynard and Co. (1897–1927). It appears that Maynard managed the finances for the company while Small worked with authors on texts.

1. Chesnutt's biography Frederick Douglass appeared in the Beacon Series of Biographies of Eminent Americans (Boston: Small, Maynard, 1899). It was the first biography after Douglass's death and the first written by an African American. [back]