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Charles W. Chesnutt to Mary Adelene Moffat, 2 September 1889

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  30 Blackstone Bld'g, Cleveland, O. Miss Moffat:-

Your favor of August 28th received. Please say to Mr. Cable that I will endeavor to send him during the present week the information he wants in regard to North Carolina laws.1 I think I shall be able to get it all from outr Law Library here; if not, I shall have to write to a friend in North Carolina, which may require a few days longer.

Please say to Mr. Cable that I read his "Haunted House", "Attalie Brouillard"2—if that is correct—and the Independent paper3 with the pleasure I always derive from his writings; also that the Independent4 accepted a story of mine last week, and that another will appear in the October Atlantic.5 I shall be very glad to hear from Mr. Cable when he has leisure to write.

Very respectfully yours, Chas. W. Chesnutt. Miss A. Moffat, Northampton, Mass.

Correspondent: Mary Adelene Moffat (1862–1956) was George Washington Cable's personal secretary and then co-worker in his Home Culture Club headquartered at Northampton, Massachusetts. She began working with Cable in 1888 after hearing him lecture, and continued until 1907.

1. George W. Cable, through his secretary Mary Moffat, asked Chesnutt to write an essay on a topic that may have been discussed in person during Chesnutt's visit to Northampton in March 1889. This paper has not been located. [back]

2. "The Haunted House in Royal Street," by George W. Cable, was published in The Century for August 1889. "Attalie Brouillard" was published in The Century, September 1889. [back]

3. "The Nation and the Illiteracy of the South," by George W. Cable, was published in The Independent, on August 28, 1889. [back]

4. The New York City-based weekly magazine the Independent argued a Black civil rights platform. The magazine published three of Chesnutt's earliest pieces: "What Is A White Man?" and "The Sheriff's Children" in 1889 and "A Multitude of Counselors" in 1891. [back]

5. "The Sheriff's Children" was published in The Independent on November 7, 1889 and later included in Chesnutt's 1899 collection The Wife of His Youth". "Dave's Neckliss" was published in the Atlantic Monthly for October 1889. [back]