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Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 1902

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  CHAS. W. CHESNUTT. 1005 WILLIAMSON BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. [ca. 1902]1 get this 223 CaCl 2 Dear Mr. Washington:-

The title of the book of which I spoke is

"The Negro in Africa & America"


Joseph Alexander Tillinghast

Published by

The Macmillan Company


The American Economic Ass'n.2

Don't miss it.

Yours, C. W. Chesnutt.

Correspondent: Booker T. Washington (1856–1913), one of the most well-known Black activists of the early 20th century, was born into slavery in Virginia; in 1881, he became the principal of what would become the Tuskegee Institute, advocating widely as a speaker and writer for technical education for Blacks, whose entry into American industry and business leadership he believed to be the road to equality. His political power was significant, but because he frequently argued for compromise with White Southerners, including on voting rights, he was also criticized by other Black activists, especially by W. E. B. Du Bois.

1. The noted date [ca. 1902] of this undated letter is conjecture by an archivist, but it must post-date the May 1902 publication of Tillinghast's book. However, since reviews did not appear until October and November of that year, it may not have come to Chesnutt's attention until the fall; see e.g. Wilmington Semi-Weekly Messenger, 14 November 1902, p. 2.[back]

2. The Negro in Africa and America, by Joseph Alexander Tillinghast (ca.1870-1944), was published as the May 1902 issue of the Publications of the American Economic Association (Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 403-637).[back]