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  • Correspondence 170
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  • letter 170
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Category : Correspondence
Format : letter

170 results

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 1 August 1907

  • Date: August 1, 1907
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 22 November 1907

  • Date: November 22, 1907
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 1 January 1908

  • Date: January 1, 1908
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 524, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 1 June 1908

  • Date: June 1, 1908
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 28 August 1908

  • Date: August 28, 1908
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 19 October 1908

  • Date: October 19, 1908
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 25 November 1908

  • Date: November 25, 1908
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 1 March 1910

  • Date: March 1, 1910
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscripts Division, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 524, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 21 July 1910

  • Date: July 21, 1910
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington, 28 December 1910

  • Date: December 28, 1910
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, MSS44669, box 524, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Charles W. Chesnutt to W. E. B. Du Bois, 1 March 1916

  • Date: March 1, 1916
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries, MS 312

Charles W. Chesnutt to S. W. Rutherford, 27 March 1923

  • Date: March 27, 1923
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Carter Godwin Woodson Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, MSS46342, box I:5

Charles W. Chesnutt to W. E. B. Du Bois, 16 September 1924

  • Date: September 16, 1924
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries, MS 312

Charles W. Chesnutt to W. E. B. Du Bois, 20 June 1928

  • Date: June 20, 1928
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, 1803–1999 (bulk 1877–1963), Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries

Charles W. Chesnutt to Walter White, 1 March 1930

  • Date: March 1, 1930
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Carl Van Vechten Papers Relating to African American Arts and Letters, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University

Charles W. Chesnutt to Booker T. Washington

  • Date: [July 1907]
  • Creator(s): Chesnutt, Charles W.
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Booker T. Washington papers, 1853-1946, Manuscript Divisions, Library of Congress, MSS44669, box 39, folder Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

George Washington Cable to Charles W. Chesnutt, 9 May 1890

  • Date: May 9, 1890
  • Creator(s): Cable, George Washington
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane, box 82, folder 47

George Washington Cable to Charles W. Chesnutt, 17 June 1890

  • Date: June 17, 1890
  • Creator(s): Cable, George Washington
  • Format: letter
  • Source: George Washington Cable Papers, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, LaRC-2

Henry Cuyler Bunner to Charles W. Chesnutt, 4 April 1889

  • Date: April 4, 1889
  • Creator(s): Bunner, H. C. (Henry Cuyler), 1855-1896
  • Format: letter
  • Source: Charles Waddell Chesnutt Papers, Western Reserve Historical Society, MS 3370, box 2, folder 1

Charles W. Chesnutt to George Washington Cable, 3 May 1889

  • Date: May 3, 1889
  • Format: letter
  • Source: George Washington Cable Papers, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, Tulane University, LaRC-2, box 17, folder 8