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  • Reception 312
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  • periodical 312
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Category : Reception
Format : periodical

312 results

[Review of Frederick Douglass]

  • Date: January 18, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Book News

[Review of Frederick Douglass]

  • Date: January 24, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: San Francisco Chronicle

[Review of Frederick Douglass]

  • Date: January 27, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Statesman

[Review of Frederick Douglass]

  • Date: February 1, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Life

[Review of The House Behind the Cedars]

  • Date: December 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Literary Era

[Review of The House Behind the Cedars]

  • Date: December 1, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Churchman

[Review of The House Behind the Cedars]

  • Date: December 22, 1900
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Freeman

A Daughter of Sorrow

  • Date: January 21, 1901
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Argonaut

[Review of The House Behind the Cedars]

  • Date: March 16, 1901
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Saturday Review

[Review of The Marrow of Tradition]

  • Date: December 7, 1901
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Appeal

Race Problems in the South, The Argonaut, May 5, 1902

  • Date: May 5, 1902
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: The Argonaut

[Review of The Colonel's Dream]

  • Date: September 23, 1905
  • Format: periodical
  • Source: Detroit Free Press