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Pussy Meow: The Autobiography of a Cat, S. L. Patteson


Pussy Meow: The Autobiography of a Cat, S.L. Patteson.

This little volume is a welcome addition to the list of books which within the last few years have done so much to interpret animal life and bring it within the pale of human sympathy. The author frankly states that "Pussy Meow" seeks to do for the cat what "Black Beauty" did for the horse and "Beautiful Joe" for the dog; and even without this admission the book is very obviously written with a purpose. This, however, does not detract from its interest, but merely furnishes an additional reason why it should be read. Another element of interest lies in a very pleasant introduction by Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton, the well-known author, herself a devoted friend and champion of dumb animals.

"Pussy Meow" is written in the form of an autobiography, and the illusion is well sustained throughout. A kitten, who lives in a pleasant garden, ventures through the gate into the outer world. A dog chases her so far that she is unable to find her way back. This is the beginning of a varied career, in which she experiences most of the joys and sorrows incident to the life of a cat. She goes to sleep in a strange yard, from which she is driven out with stones by a bad boy. She is rescued by a kind lady, who rebukes the boy and provides the kitten with a home. Here she forms the acquaintance of other kittens, and finds herself in clover. The household includes a kind mistress, a good boy, and a friendly dog. In this ideal home, which Pussy Meow finds a sort of cat's paradise, she has many pleasant adventures which are narrated in her autobiography. Interesting children of the neighborhood figure extensively in the story, and help to give the incidents a pleasant variety. Incidentally there is much valuable information conveyed with regard to the proper treatment of cats.

Mrs. Patteson's style is simple and direct, as becomes the form in which the subject is treated. One of the most pleasing features of the book is a profusion of handsome half-tone photographs of the author's cats; the illustrations alone are worth the price of the book. While Pussy Meow will appeal to all lovers of dumb animals, it will prove particularly pleasing to the young, who live closer to nature than their elders. It will make an admirable gift book, for which it ought to be in large demand.

C. W. C. (Philadelphia: George W. Jacobs and Company.)