This newspaper along with other agencies throughout the country felt that Nevel H. Thomas, of Washington, D. C., should have been awarded the Spingarn medal, this year. Mr. Thomas is the head of the largest branch of the N. A. A. C. P. has. located as it is at the capital of the nation it is in position to do the work no other branch is able to do. Mr. thomas at great personal sacrifice has fought the battles of the race in Washington. he has rallied about him forces that have broken down segregation in the federal government. He is looked upon all over the country as the relentless foe of racial discrimination. In the past year there is no Afro-American anywhere who has done as much for the general good of the race as has Mr. Thomas. He is feared by the intrenched powers in Washington as no Afro-American and few white men are feared. The least those who awarded the Springarn medal could have done was to show their appreciation of this fearless and relentless fighter for the equal rights of the race.
The belated award to Mr. Chesnutt should not satisfy him. The failure to give Mr. Thomas what is justly due him is a grave injustice to the most militant and self sacrificing leader the race has. – Washington (D. C.) Eagle.