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Mr. Chesnutt's New Book and Some Others


A book of much importance from many points of view is that volume of the Beacon Biographies devoted to Frederick Douglass–important to history because it throws lights on the character of the statesman that are new and valuable; important to literature because clearly, concisely and attractively written by a man who is in thorough sympathy and accord with his subject and a close student therof; and doubly important to Cleveland readers because that author is Charles W. Chesnutt of this city. Mr. Chesnutt has become widely and well known as the author first of "The Conjure Woman" and more recently as the author of "The Wife of His Youth." And his friends feel that it was an honor of much moment that he should have been invited to contribute a volume to the valuable series of books being issued in the Beacon Biographies. That Mr. Chesnutt has ably fulfilled the expectations of this friends and admirers is shown by this scholarly book, and it may well rank as a worthy addition to American literature. Small, Maynard & Co. Burrows.