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[Review of The Conjure Woman]

THE CONJURE WOMAN. By Charles W. Chestnutt. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, From H. T. Coats, Company, Philadelphia.

The seven tales in this collection depict the shrewdness of the negro in using his superstitions to his own advantage in any traffic with his more enlightened white brother. "The Goophered Grapevine," "Mars Jeems's Nightmare," "The Gray Wolf's Hant," are capital stories, told by Uncle Julius in the richest Carolina dialect. The dual aspects of the guile and credulity are well preserved in the rare spells and invocations by which the negro compasses his own profit without any loss to his faith in "de wukkin' de roots" and in divers strange "mixtries." Uncle Julius and Uncle Remus are "near kin."