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Charles W. Chesnutt to Hugh M. Browne, 26 February 1909

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  CHAS. W. CHESNUTT, 1105 WILLIAMSON BUILDING CLEVELAND, O. Prof. Hugh M. Browne Sec.'y Committee of Twelve, Cheyney, Pa. My dear Prof. Browne:-

Replying to yours of Feb. 25, with reference to giving the Commissioner of Education the names and addresses of the members of the Committee of Twelve, with a brief statement respecting its formation, I see no particular objection to so doing. I should be interested to know who they are myself.

Sincerely yours, Chas. W. Chesnutt. Letter Book 59

Correspondent: Hugh M. Browne (1851–1923) was a Black civil rights activist, teacher, and inventor. Educated at Howard University, Princeton University, and in Europe, he taught in Liberia in the 1880s and at Black colleges in the United States from the 1890s until his retirement in 1913. He was an ally of Booker T. Washington but advocated for both academic and industrial education. He was secretary of the Committee of Twelve and corresponded with Chesnutt about Committee matters.