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[Review of Frederick Douglass]

Frederick Douglass. By Charles W. Chestnut[sic]. Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, Mass. 141 pages. Price 75 cents.

This brief story of the life of Frederick Douglass is enchanting to say the least. All who are familiar with the remarkable career of Mr. Douglass will agree that Mr. Chestnut[sic] had a theme worthy of his brilliant performance; for no life, save that of Mr. Booker T. Washington's furnishes us with a more complete picture or instance of the possibilities of a human being of the humblest origin, by sheer force of inherent superiority of manhood, overcoming every obstacle of whatever character, and attaining an eminence and an honorable distinction that must forever give him a place among the greatest men of his strong, direct, and absolutely fearless day. Mr. Douglass was a great man. There was something self-generated, in his character that claimed the admiration of all men who came in contact with him. He was an able descriptive writer; and the narrative of his own eventful career was always given by him in the most vivid and thrilling manner. As an orator, he occupied a unique place–a place along side of the ablest orators of his day. The Negro race could always, with perfect assurance of the best results, trust its cause into his hands. His manhood began to show itself at an early age. It is as Mr. Chestnut says: "He seems, by his own showing, to have manifested but little appreciation of the wise oversight, the thoughtful care, and the freedom from responsibility with which slavery claimed to hedge around its victims, and he was inclined to spurn the rod rather than kiss it." This life of Mr. Douglass is within reach of all our readers and it would be well for each one to send to the publishers for a copy. We can not afford to forget the great service rendered by this great man for the freedom of a race.