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[Review of Frederick Douglass]

The newest issue in the attractive series of lives of eminent Americans, edited by M. A. De Wolfe Howe, and published by Small, Maynard & Co, under the title "The Beacon Biographies," is Frederick Douglass, by Charles W. Chesnutt. Mr. Chesnutt, who lives in Cleveland, O., but has spent a number of years in the South, has shown by his unusually sympathetic and discerning short stories that he has an intelligent interest in the negro race, and although the scope and plan of these pretty little books allows little room for original work, he has told the story of Douglass's career very fairly, and his book gives a strong impression of the powerful physical and intellectual make-up of this gifted orator. Mr. Chesnutt says: "He was a man of magnificent figure, tall, strong, his head crowned with a mass of hair which made a striking element of his appearance. He had deep-set and flashing eyes, a firm, well-molded chin, a countenance somewhat severe in repose, but capable of a wide range of expression. His voice was rich and melodious, and of great carrying power."